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I was walking out of work one evening with a senior leader when he remarked that his daughter was mad at him for missing her softball game that night. “Oh no!” I commented.

“Yeah, I have to go home and mow the lawn before my 2 week long work trip tomorrow”.

“Oh no…..” I thought to myself.

I reflected to my own disappointments when I was younger – when my parents were too busy to play with us, or likewise the excitement we felt when they showed up to our events and joined in our backyard baseball and soccer games. I pondered on the impending birth of my son and the guiding principles I wanted to live by as a family.

My reply was very personal.

“Anyone can mow a lawn, but not everyone can be a father”. He was slightly stunned by my response.

Have you ever wanted to play on the floor with your child, spend time with your spouse at night, start your own business, or catch up with a family member or friend, but tried to cram in a few more chores, one more look on social media, one more work task? Then you look up and the window of opportunity for what you really wanted to accomplish has passed?
Are you truly the only one who can do those tasks or chores? Can they wait or be planned? Do they even have to be done at all?

Are you worried that you’re the only person who can do them correctly and efficiently? Are you concerned about what other people may think of you if you ask for help? What about the costs?

I created this community to impart simplification tips and methods for you to do less busywork, and focus on the goals that matter most to you.

What are your thoughts? Have you ever been too busy to accomplish your goals, or sacrificed precious time?

Do you argue with your loved ones about chores and tasks? Feel free to use this worksheet I’ve created to quantify and divide those tasks.