Need (or want?) to freshen up some wording on your website and want to test-drive how it will look? Want to propose a website wording change to a client or team? Or just want to have fun with your friends by “customizing” wording on a popular website?
Look no further.
You can temporarily edit any wording on any website, in any browser. You can take a screenshot, or save it as a pdf or .html website to send or revisit later.
  • Simply select the line of code below, then drag it into your bookmark bar.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
  • It’ll show as a nondescript logo, but you can right-click and edit to rename. Mine is “Word Edit”, but feel free to pick your own. You can also double check the code.


  • If that doesn’t work, manually add the bookmark. Go to your bookmark manager to “Add Bookmark”. Paste the code above in the URL. Make sure the code is posted exactly, without any odd spaces or symbols added.


  • Now you navigate to the webpage you want to edit, and then click your new bookmark.
  • Make the changes you want! You can screenshot your edits, or save is as an html file, or print the page.
Voila! Now go make so fun changes, ok?



Alisha C. Taylor is an engineering program manager and life coach. Her work has been featured on Forbes, Ellevate Network, The Startup, and Thrive Global. A STEM advocate, checklist champion, and learning addict, you can find her @AlishaCTaylor and